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Talent Search at GHS

GHS Highlights

● 99% of GHS 2024 seniors applied to several colleges (multiple), made commitments to their preferred schools, and were accepted to post-secondary institutions. 
● All are on track to proceed with enrollment in the fall. We have one or two who have decided on the military before college. SUCCESS!! 
● 98% of our 2024 seniors successfully completed and submitted their FAFSAs. 
● Most Talent Search 9th and 10th graders have received several career and college prep, academic skill development services. 
● 84% of our Talent Search 11th graders attended a 4 hour SAT/ACT Test prep session. 
● Of the 42 Talent Search Seniors, $277,250 was received for their college freshman years. 
● Out of 180 GHS graduates, there are 18 who make up the "top ten percent", 2 of those students are Talent Search students. 

Brandon Neal – College Prep Advisor

Brandon serves as the Talent Search advisor at Gainesville High School. He has 20 years of experience in the United States military in multiple leadership positions. He is certified in corporate mediation and qualifies in several counseling resolution techniques from the military’s Advanced Leadership Course. He also served as an Equal Opportunity Advisor with the Army’s renowned Defense Equal Opportunity Institute. His diplomatic duties, proven leadership skills, experience over an extremely successful career, and his absolute love for his hometown of Gainesville make him a welcome addition to the UNT Talent Search program at Gainesville High School. Brandon is also the Chaplain at GHS and serves alongside the coaching staff, leading the FCA encouraging students and athletes to build and display strong character attributes. 

Gabriel Lira – College Prep Advisor 

Gabriel Lira has been an integral part of the TRIO Family since 2018, starting as a participant in the UNT Upward Bound program. Graduating from the program in 2021, he chose to continue his journey with Upward Bound and work as a Student Worker while pursuing his degree at the University of North Texas. Over three years, he served in various roles, including Student Worker, Residential Advisor, and Teacher. In 2024, he graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in History with minors in Spanish and Psychology. Gabriel transitioned to a part-time role as a Student Services Specialist and Talent Search Advisor in the fall of 2024, continuing his commitment to creating a better future for students.